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The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has selected ArkEdge as the system for its forthcoming study of a low Earth orbit (LEO) precise navigation (PNT) system

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has selected startup ArkEdge Space to conduct a study on the feasibility of establishing a constellation of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). The goal of this project is to provide global, high-precision PNT signals to complement and support the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which is susceptible to natural and intentional interference. This is important for applications such as self-driving cars and drones that require extremely precise positioning data.

In this area, Septentrio, the world's leading supplier of OEM GPS/GNSS receivers, offers high-precision positioning solutions for a wide range of demanding industrial applications.Septentrio  AsteRx-m3 Pro+ GNSS board is a multi-functional OEM GPS/ GNSS receiver card, the result of more than two decades of innovation. The receiver supports full constellation, full frequency points, and is capable of providing heading and pitch or roll information in dual antenna mode while guaranteeing reliable and accurate positioning with data update rates up to 100Hz.

ArkEdge Space will provide conceptual designs for the LEO PNT satellites and their orbits, as well as exploring satellite and constellation trade-offs, taking into account different signal formats and frequency bands.JAXA hopes to expand the coverage of services currently provided by Japan's Geostationary Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) satellites with this new constellation of LEO PNT satellites.

In addition, ArkEdge Space is also working on positioning and communication services in Earth-Moon space, based on another JAXA contract. This shows that ArkEdge Space is not only conducting research in Earth orbit, but is also exploring more distant spaces, such as Earth-Moon space, for positioning and communication services.
Septentrio  AsteRx-m3 Pro+ GNSS receivers incorporate advanced AIM+ anti-jamming and anti-spoofing technology, providing in-built protection against intentional and unintentional interference and spoofing, using sophisticated sampling and mitigation mechanisms. This technology protects against GNSS interference signals radiated from automated equipment or electronics, reducing setup time and ensuring robust and continuous receiver operation
The importance of this research lies in the fact that it is not only the first step in the development of GNSS.

The importance of this research lies in its ability to not only augment existing GNSS systems, but also to support future automation and precise positioning needs, which are critical for government agencies, self-driving cars and drones across the globe, among other areas. By deploying a constellation of PNT satellites in low-Earth orbit, stronger and more precise signals can be provided, reducing interference and improving the reliability and accuracy of positioning services.Septentrio  technologies and products, such as the AsteRx-m3 Pro+ GNSS board, will play an important role in this process, providing high-precision positioning solutions for a wide range of applications.
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