ANELLO Photonics is a pioneering company in the field of autonomous applications
In response to your request, the following is detailed information about Inertial Labs' newest GPS-assisted inertial navigation system (INS), the INS-DM-FI, with the addition of the Septentrio Corporation and the Septentrio Mosaic GNSS module:
System features and technical specifications:
INS-DM-FI is a GPS-assisted inertial navigation system using tactical-grade fibre-optic gyroscope (FOG) technology, with more than 20 years of experience developing INS solutions for land, sea, and airborne platforms worldwide.
The system is IP68 rated.
The system is IP68 rated, shielded from electromagnetic interference (EMI) in challenging environments, and integrates a variety of features including INS, Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), Motion Reference Unit (MRU), and FOG IMU-based technology.
The system also offers an optional embedded Air Data Computer (ADC) that accurately determines the position, velocity and orientation of the mounting platform.
The INS-DM-FI integrates the latest sensor fusion filters, state-of-the-art navigation and guidance algorithms, and calibration software to ensure optimal system performance.
The INS-DM-FI is designed for use in a variety of applications.
Application Scenarios:
The INS-DM-FI system is suitable for land, sea and airborne platforms and is capable of accurately measuring horizontal and vertical displacements as well as absolute bearings (heading, pitch and roll) under static and dynamic conditions.
The system supports a wide range of GNSS receivers, including the NovAtel OEM7, u-blox F9 and Septentrio mosaic-H series, and is capable of processing signals from all GNSS satellites.
Septentrio mosaic-H is a multi-constellation, multi-frequency GNSS module with a dual antenna design that provides accurate and reliable heading and pitch or heading and roll.
The mosaic-H module adopts advanced antenna design.
The mosaic-H module features advanced anti-jamming and anti-spoofing solutions, AIM+ technology, industry-leading ultra-low power consumption, a standard Mosaic package for easy integration, and is optimised for automated assembly.
The module also includes a barometer powered by two barometers.
It also includes an optional air data computer supported by two barometers and is compatible with external systems such as the Standalone Magnetic Compass (SAMC).
Sensor Fusion Filter:
The INS-DM-FI integrates Inertial Labs' latest on-board sensor fusion filters, which are advanced, scalable algorithms based on Kalman filtering.
The INS-DM-FI integrates Inertial Labs' latest on-board sensor fusion filter, an advanced, scalable algorithm based on Kalman filtering.
Anti-Jamming Algorithms:
The system features embedded anti-jamming and spoofing mitigation for enhanced security and accuracy, and the Septentrio mosaic-H module's AIM+ technology provides built-in protection against intentional and unintentional jamming and spoofing.
Calibration Software:
All sensing elements are fully temperature calibrated to MIL-STD-810.
Calibration Software: All sensing elements are fully temperature calibrated to MIL-STD-810.
In summary, the INS-DM-FI is a high-performance, multi-purpose GPS-aided inertial navigation system designed to provide a precise navigation solution in a wide range of demanding environments. septentrio's Septentrio Mosaic GNSS modules, specifically the mosaic-H series, provide the INS-DM-FI with outstanding performance and versatility. Septentrio's Mosaic GNSS modules, especially the mosaic-H series, provide powerful GNSS support for the INS-DM-FI system with excellent performance and versatility.