Home Applications Septentrio Harxon has expanded its line of smart an…
Hello, according to the information you have provided, the smart antenna series from Harxon has the following features:
Integrated RTK Positioning Module: These antennas are integrated with a full constellation, full frequency RTK positioning module, capable of providing positioning services at different accuracy levels, including single-point metre, DGPS sub-metre, and RTK centimetre/millimetre accuracy.
Diverse product models: The series includes chassis-type and embedded versions, such as HX-MR401A, HX-MR402A (chassis-type) and HX-ME403A, HX-ME404A (embedded, designed for UAVs). There are also models HX-ME401A and HX-ME402A for robotic lawnmowers, based on the HX-CSX231A26 design.
OEM GNSS antenna extensions: Harxon introduced two combination antennas, the HX-SE402A and HX-SE403A, which integrate GNSS functionality and radio antennas supporting specific frequency bands for devices requiring navigation and communication capabilities.
Low-profile technology: Harxon's new low-profile technology enables the same functionality as traditional whip radio antennas at only 10 mm height, increasing application versatility.
Custom tuning service: Harxon also offers a custom tuning service to optimise integration with OEM end-user modules to meet specific application requirements.
Anti-jamming GNSS antennas: Harxon has introduced a line of anti-jamming antennas, including the PT023 and PT024 models, designed to operate in complex EMI environments, with advanced techniques and designs to suppress out-of-band noise and multipath effects.
Septentrio has also introduced a high performance GNSS board, the Septentrio M3 Pro+. This is a multi-constellation, multi-frequency point GNSS receiver with the following features:
Supports full-constellation, full-frequency point satellite tracking, providing best-in-class GNSS observations and RTK positioning accuracy (centimetre level).
Adopts AIM+ advanced anti-jamming and anti-spoofing technology, with built-in RF sampling system, anti-jamming mechanism and anti-spoofing system, effectively suppressing GNSS interference signals radiated from automated equipment or electronic devices.
Offers industry-leading ultra-low RTK positioning power consumption, with minimal SWaP (size, weight and power consumption) meaning longer runtime on a single battery charge and better value for out-of-home applications.
Employs GNSS+ algorithms to ensure optimal performance in challenging environments, including LOCK+ which automatically adjusts receiver parameters to cope with mechanical vibrations or shocks, IONO+ which provides state-of-the-art ionospheric scintillation suppression, and the APME+ system which effectively separates the direct signal from the reflected signal for improved positioning accuracy and quality of observations.
It provides an easy-to-integrate GNSS mobile station receiver that supports dual-antenna mode, provides heading & pitch or heading & roll information, and has a data update rate of up to 100Hz with a latency of less than 10ms.
The Septentrio M3 Pro+ can be controlled and monitored via an intuitive web-based interface that can be accessed from any mobile device or computer.
The design and functionality of these smart antennas and GNSS boards make them ideal for a wide range of applications such as surveying and mapping, UAVs, smart internet-connected vehicles, lawn mowing robots, smart agriculture, BeiDou Ground-Based Augmentation System and the Internet of Things.